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About Us

Your supplier for
OEM Replacement Parts

Unique Systems designs & manufactures a complete line of Process Vacuum Equipment:
Steam Ejectors • Liquid Ring Vacuum Pumps • Hybrids • Water Box Priming Systems
Condensate Pump Systems • Deaerating Feedwater Heaters • Vent Condensers
Vacuum Condensate Drainers • Vacuum Priming Valves

Our records contain engineering & test data, technical & design specifications,
microfilm & original mechanical drawings for all former Elliott® vacuum equipment.



Unique Systems began manufacturing steam ejector components & assemblies for the Elliott Company in 1973.  By 1985 we acquired their vacuum equipment product lines, including ejectors, condensers, deaerating feedwater heaters, scrub coolers, grease extractors and other ancillary products.  We have over 100 years of accumulated knowledge and expertise in process vacuum applications.  Our files contain engineering & test data, technical & design specifications, microfilm and original mechanical drawings for all former Elliott® vacuum equipment.

turbines-gland-sealSteam ejectors are the most popular choice for Gland Seal Vacuum Systems for removing air and steam from steam turbine shaft seals.  Our Type P3136 Series ejector is ideal for small turbines where flow quantities of steam and air from the shaft seal bleed-off are relatively low.

For larger turbines, it is usually advantageous to use a surface-type (shell & tube) pre-condenser to reduce load to the ejector; and, to recover heat by using condensate in the pre-condenser.  The ejector used with the pre-condenser can be the P3136 or Type E Series to reduce steam usage.




Unique Systems has a great deal of experience in designing and constructing these systems, which makes us the ideal choice to fill your Gland Seal Vacuum System needs.  Please visit our website, www.uniquesystems.com, and refer to Bulletin # PVS-80021011-TGS Turbine Gland Seal Systems – Engineering Data.


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UNIQUE SYSTEMS and its logo are registered trademarks of Unique Systems, Inc.
ELLIOTT and PAP Plant Air-Package are registered trademarks of the Elliott Group.
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© 2013 Unique Systems, Inc.

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